Dental Surgery Toronto

Toronto Smile Centre
Oral Surgery Clinic

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

At Toronto Smile Centre, we have in-house oral and maxillofacial surgeons, to offer you the convenience of being able to have your surgeries in the same place you get your regular dental work -- at our comfortable, friendly office! Oral surgery may be intimidating, but we will make it as comfortable as possible. Our friendly team will answer all of your questions about your dental treatment, and take time to make sure you understand it.

Our oral surgeons provide a range of services, from wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, bone grafting, and more, for our patients' oral health needs.

We always welcome new patients, whether they need us for our general, surgical, or cosmetic dentistry services. All patients are also welcome for any needed emergency dental services. We make these cases a priority for treatment, and try to see a patient on the same day.

Do You Need Oral Surgery?

Developing a Treatment Plan

We start with a consultation and examination with full diagnostics. This lets us accurately assess your individual situation, get to know your needs and concerns, and develop a treatment plan.
The consultation and assessment may include X-rays, diagnostic imaging, and other tests, depending on your specific case. Even if a case may seem obvious, we will complete these diagnostics to ensure there are no additional or compounding issues, and that we have a complete picture.
We will discuss our recommendations for treatment with you, and advise you on the details of proposed surgeries, including pros and cons. Our friendly dental professionals ensure you are informed before making any choices and understand fully your planned procedure.
You will be advised how to care for your surgical wound and how to best promote healing. You may need to come back for follow-up visits, to check on your progress.
Porcelain Veneers or Composite Resin Veneers?

Oral Surgery Clinic Complementary Services

While we offer oral surgery services, including emergency dentistry, for your oral health, we also offer complementary services to make your surgery as comfortable as possible, as well as address any cosmetic concerns you may have. We also offer cosmetic dentistry procedures, for addressing aesthetics as well as dental health and sedation, or sleep dentistry, and anaesthesia for more comfortable procedures.

Pain Management

You will be given a local anaesthetic, so any discomfort is minimized. You may be prescribed painkillers for after the procedures, as necessary, or advised about taking over-the-counter painkillers.

Sedation Dentistry

At Toronto Smile Centre, we are able to provide you with oral or IV sedation to relax you and make your dental treatment more comfortable, as well as make the time pass faster.
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Dental Professionals for Your Oral Surgery Needs

If you suspect you need a wisdom tooth removal or a root canal, have a missing tooth and are interested in dental implants, or have another concern, contact us and we can help. At your consultation, we can discuss with you whether dental surgery or another treatment is advised. It is recommended that you book a consultation as soon as possible, so your situation doesn't worsen. If you are in extreme pain or you are experiencing a dental emergency, let us know, so we can schedule an expedited appointment.
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Dental Surgery Toronto | Dental tools being sanitized
Porcelain Veneers or Composite Resin Veneers?

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Services

Toronto Smile Centre offers several dental and oral surgery to help our patients preserve their oral health. Many of these may seem intimidating, but they are actually common procedures with high success rates, such as a dental implant or root canal procedure. Our oral surgery services include:
  • Dental implants as a permanent solution to missing teeth. We surgically insert a titanium root into the jaw bone to become the artificial tooth root. An artificial tooth can be attached once the site has healed.
  • Reconstructive surgeries for cases such as treating sleep apnea due to physical factors, correcting traumas from various types of injuries or other situations. Gum and bone grafting is also available.
  • Wisdom teeth removal if the wisdom teeth are impacted or are creating other issues, such as pain or infection. Other tooth extractions may be performed as necessary.
  • Root canals to prevent tooth extractions from being needed. For this surgery, we clear out dead or infected dental pulp from inside the tooth roots. When cracks or tooth decay infect dental pulp, which is composed of tissue, blood vessels, and nerves, it becomes very painful, and a root canal treatment is needed to save the tooth.
Toronto Smile Centre also provides cosmetic dentistry services and cosmetic dental surgery to help restore our patients' smiles. If you have concerns about your existing aesthetics, or are wondering about the aesthetic impact of another dental procedure on your smile, let us know. We can provide advice about potential options.
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What to Expect Before Oral Surgery

When your appointment for surgery is booked, our team will guide you on the procedures and precautions you will need to follow before coming in. Let us know about all medications you are on, or if you are having any other treatments.

We'll make sure you know what to expect and do. Don't worry, we also make sure you are comfortable! If you feel sick at any time or experience any unexpected issues, let your dentist or oral surgeon know right away.

For most surgeries, you will need to avoid eating or drinking for eight hours or more before the surgery, although this will be confirmed with you. You should also avoid smoking for a minimum of 12 hours, since smoking slows healing and can create other complications. The longer you can avoid smoking both before and after the surgery, the better. Alcohol and cannabis should also be avoided the day before and after oral surgery.

You will need to arrange for a family member or friend to drive you home after the procedure. You can always contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help!

Comprehensive Dental Surgery Services at Toronto Smile Centre

At Toronto Smile Centre, we offer a comprehensive range of dental surgery services to address a variety of dental needs. Whether you require specialized procedures such as Bone & Gum Grafting in Toronto to enhance your oral health, Sedation Dentistry in Toronto for a more relaxed dental experience, or Wisdom Teeth Removal in Toronto to ensure the well-being of your smile, our team of experienced dental professionals is here to provide you with top-notch care. We understand that dental surgery can be a daunting prospect, and we are dedicated to ensuring your comfort and well-being throughout the process.

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